آخرین آهنگ های خارجی
آخرین آلبوم های خارجی
آخرین ویدیوهای خارجی
آخرین آهنگ های فارسی
اهنگ I Hung My Head از استینگ

متن آهنگ I Hung My Head از استینگ

Early one morning
With time to kill
I borrowed Jebb's rifle
And sat on a hill
I saw a lone rider
Crossing the plain
I drew a bead on him
To practice my aim
My brother's rifle
Went off in my hand
A shot rang out
Across the land
The horse, he kept running
The rider was dead
I hung my head
I hung my head
I set off running
To wake from the dream
My brother's rifle
Went into the sheen
I kept on running
Into the south lands
That's where they found me
My head in my hands
The sheriff he asked me
Why had I run
And then it come to me
Just what I had done
And all for no reason
Just one piece of lead
I hung my head
I hung my head
Here in the court house
The whole town was there
I see the judge
High up in the chair
Explain to the court room
What went through your mind
And we'll ask the jury
What verdict they find
I felt the power
Of death over life
I orphaned his children
I widowed his wife
I begged their forgiveness
I wish I was dead
I hung my head
I hung my head
I hung my head
I hung my head
Early one morning
With time to kill
I see the gallows
Up on a hill
And out in the distance
A trick of the brain
I see a lone rider
Crossing the plain
And he'd come to fetch me
To see what they'd done
And we'll ride together
To kingdom come
I prayed for God's mercy
'Cause soon I'd be dead
I hung my head
I hung my head
I hung my head
I hung my head

معنای آهنگ I Hung My Head از استینگ


محبوب ترین آهنگ‌های ماه

آهنگ میبوسمت از غوغا تابان


غوغا تابان

آلبوم همه میدونن از ادی عطار

همه میدونن

ادی عطار

آلبوم جوونی


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رویای من

فرزاد فرخ

موزیک بی خوابی از سپهر خلسه

بی خوابی

سپهر خلسه

موزیک شب که میشه از امیر تتلو

شب که میشه

امیر تتلو

آهنگ دیره از یوهانا

